Cyber Protection
Our Cyber Protection services are not limited to but can include:
3 Best Practices for Protecting Legacy Equipment from Cyber Threats in Manufacturing
Discover the best practices for protecting legacy equipment from cyber threats in the manufacturing industry. Learn how regular security assessments, network segmentation, and employee training can safeguard your systems and ensure operational success.
How to Resolve Production Interruptions Without Stress
Discover how to resolve production interruptions without stress by addressing both physical and cyber security threats. Learn our 3 top tips for providing a comprehensive cyber-physical security solution tailored for manufacturing environments. Ensure operational efficiency, prevent disruptions, and protect your production from all types of threats, including internal, external, malicious, and accidental.
Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a Security Provider for Manufacturing
Discover key factors for selecting a security provider in manufacturing. Learn how our PREPARED methodology enhances resilience and operational efficiency.
As your business grows, the attack surface changes. Our security assessments are designed to accurately identify, investigate and prioritise what in your business needs protection and highlight any vulnerabilities within your network infrastructure. Our experts are here to ensure your business protection remains up to date.
Technology alone cannot protect your business from cyber threats, your staff will always be the weakest link. Equilibrium Risk provides a full range of training packages to engage your staff and raise awareness of cyber threats. Our packages help your staff from making those costly mistakes, reducing the risk of financial and reputational damage.
Complying to National and International security standards is a great way of demonstrating to your clients and future clients that you are taking steps to secure their information. Equilibrium Risk is here to help you acheive these compliance standards and help you remain compliant, year on year.
Fundamental to your business operating securely, is having secure network infrastructure. Whether that is your Information Technology (IT) or Operational Technology (OT) Equilibrium Risk can help. We can review and/or design your networks and infrastructure architecture to embed the security in depth principle.
With threats continuing to grow in both volume and sophistication, performing a pentest helps you to understand how an attacker might breach your defences. Equilibrium Risk offers pentesting to evaluate the security of your Information Technology (IT) or Operational Technology (OT) systems and highlight any vulnerabilities.
A determined attacker can break through even the most robust of defences. Equilibrium Risk’s service can monitor when your defences are being breached and coordinate a proportionate and rapid response. With Equilibrium Risk, you don’t need to worry, our trusted security services are here for you.