Changing of the Guard
May 2015 is memorable for several reasons, the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her second child, Princess Charlotte, the fourth in line to the throne. David Cameron secures a second term in office with a resounding win in the General Election and Ireland legalises same sex marriages in a historic vote. But amongst all these newsworthy events, May 2015 also saw the start of Equilibrium Risk in Huddersfield.
Equilibrium Risk is a Specialist Security and Risk Management Company, that was founded by two friends from the Coldstream Guards, Jason Donaldson and Luke Appleby. Intent on bringing their Military experience and work ethic to ‘civvi street’, they set out to develop businesses understanding of what security can and should do for them.
But, almost 3 years on, there is change in the air. In true entrepreneur style, Jason has made the decision to leave Equilibrium Risk to pursue his other ambitions, leaving the day to day operations in the hands of Luke.
“Equilibrium Risk was just an idea, but I still have so much more I want to do! And now’s the time before I get too old. I have full faith in Luke, we have worked really closely together these last years, and I am confident he can continue to make it a success.” Jason.
Although Jason is handing over the day to day running of the business to Luke, he will keep some interest in the business. As a shareholder, he will be involved in helping decide the strategy and vision for Equilibrium Risk, bringing with him the views and ideas that make Equilibrium Risk unique.
“It’s quite daunting to be doing it on my own now, to be honest, but I know Jason’s always on the end of the phone if I need any help! I just hope I can keep building on the success of the last 2 years. Jason has been very successful, and it’s a big seat to fill!
I wish him well in his new venture, I hope he makes as much of a success of it as he did Equilibrium Risk”
Luke Director
The next blog about Equilibrium Risk is all about what makes us different, you can read it here.