Equilibrium Risk Invited to Live Event on ConeX Portal

Following a post on social media regarding a security incident, Luke Appleby, of Equilibrium Risk was invited onto a ConeX Portal Live Event to talk about the risks to business and how to mitigate them.
ConeX Portal is an online community and digital platform that connects manufacturers & engineers with the supply chain. Formed in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, was created by Sam Baynham to help UK Manufacturing thrive. Not another procurement platform, ConeX is a small community with a strong ethos where success is measures by the value of the relationships established and the project outcomes. It isn’t about big numbers and high volumes.
Having been a member of ConeX since the very beginning (you can read about that here), Luke, Director at Equilibrium Risk was thrilled to be invited on to a Live Event to talk about the risks business face along with ways to mitigate those risks.
The live event, hosted and watched live on the ConeX Platform, was hosted by Angela Lawler of the ConeX Portal. Luke was delighted to answer some questions about a recent security incident that came under the public spotlight, as well as providing some insightful advice on how businesses can mitigate some of the risks.
Watch a Recording of the Live Event Here