Launching our Training Course
Ever since Equilibrium Risk’s first inception, Jason and I, have wanted to run training courses. We didn’t want to run just run-of-the-mill courses that ‘ticked the box’. We wanted to run first class courses with added value. Courses that successful candidates would talk about. Courses that not only taught, but courses that could practice and train students in a realistic environment. In short, courses that would leave a security operator everything they would need to succeed.
Leaving the Forces is a daunting prospect. It’s more than just getting a new job- it’s a complete change of life style. ‘Civvi street’ is a big, weird world; everyone in civvi street does things differently. That’s why we wanted to make things a little less stressful. Providing a security course so that successful candidates could immediately apply for a job is a way for us to help veterans, to give back.

At Equilibrium Risk we are very excited to be able to offer the first part of our security course: First Person on the Scene- Intermediate. Working closely with a local training provider, Purple Dog, we are able to provide a first class FPOS-I course. We have gone all out developing this course and we are confident we can provide the best medical course for miles around.
Utilising the experiences of our instructors, we have been able to design a course that delivers more than just the answers to the test questions. Our instructors have been drawn from the Fire Service, Paramedics and the ex-military. We really have amassed the best team possible to ensure the best possible training. Training that is cutting edge in terms of technique and practices.
For more details about the course, look here.
We are continuing to work hard and develop the rest of the course. We are confident that we will achieve our aim, and deliver a top class course.