Manufacturing Security: 5 Unbeatable Strategies to Secure Your Building and Protect Against Intruders

Manufacturing Security

Manufacturing security is a critical component of any successful manufacturing business in today’s world. It’s important to develop and implement a comprehensive security plan that includes physical security measures, procedural security measures, and monitoring systems. Doing so will help protect personnel, equipment, and products from unauthorised access, theft, or destruction.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five unbeatable strategies to secure your building and protect against intruders.

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What is Manufacturing Security?

Manufacturing security is a set of procedures and processes designed to protect personnel, equipment, and products from unauthorised access, theft, or destruction. It is a combination of physical security measures, such as locks, security cameras, and access control systems, as well as procedural security measures, such as employee training, background checks, and access control policies.

Manufacturing security is an important part of any business, but it is especially important in manufacturing. Manufacturing businesses often have to deal with expensive, high-value equipment and products, as well as sensitive materials that require special handling. Without a comprehensive security plan in place, businesses can be exposed to theft, vandalism, and other security threats.

Manufacturing Security Best Practices

The following are some best practices for manufacturing security:

Establish a security policy: The first step in any security plan is to establish a written security policy. This policy should outline the procedures and protocols for protecting personnel, equipment, and products from unauthorised access, theft, or destruction.

Utilise security door locks: Security door locks can help protect against unauthorised access to areas of the facility. These locks should be of the highest quality and be regularly maintained.

Utilise monitoring systems: Monitoring systems can help detect any unauthorised access to secure areas of the facility and alert personnel to potential security threats.

Implement access control systems: Access control systems help limit and control access to secure areas of the facility. These systems can include key cards, biometric scanners, and other forms of authentication.

Install lighting systems: Lighting systems can help deter intruders and make it easier for personnel to identify any suspicious activity. Motion-activated lighting can be especially effective in alerting personnel to potential security threats.

Install surveillance systems: Surveillance systems are an important part of any security plan. Cameras can provide a live feed of activities, allowing for quick response times to any security threats.

Security Door Locks

Security door locks are a critical component of any security plan. These locks can help protect against unauthorised access to areas of the facility. When selecting security door locks, it’s important to choose locks of the highest quality and to regularly maintain them. The following are some tips for selecting and maintaining security door locks:

Choose the right locks: It’s important to choose the right locks for your particular security needs. For example, if you need to protect high-value areas of your facility, you may need to choose higher-security locks.

Regularly inspect locks: It’s important to regularly inspect locks to ensure they are functioning properly. This includes checking the locks for any signs of damage, wear and tear, or tampering.

Replace locks as needed: If a lock is damaged or not functioning properly, it should be replaced as soon as possible. This will help ensure the security of your facility.

Utilise lock-out/tag-out procedures: Lock-out/tag-out procedures are an important part of any security plan. They help ensure that unauthorised personnel do not have access to secure areas of the facility.

Utilise key control systems: Key control systems can help ensure that only authorised personnel have access to the locks. These systems can help reduce the risk of theft or unauthorised access.

Monitoring Systems

Monitoring systems can help detect any unauthorised access to secure areas of the facility and alert personnel to potential security threats. The following are some tips for implementing a monitoring system:

Choose the right system: When selecting a monitoring system, it’s important to choose a system that is suitable for your particular security needs. For example, if you need to monitor multiple locations, you may need to choose a more sophisticated system.

Utilise sensors: Sensors can be used to detect any unauthorised access to secure areas of the facility and alert personnel to any potential security threats.

Utilise alarms: Alarms can be used to alert personnel to any potential security threats. These alarms should be loud enough to be heard and should be connected to a monitoring system.

Utilise event logging: Event logging can help track any access to secure areas of the facility and alert personnel to any potential security threats.

Utilise remote monitoring: Remote monitoring can help personnel monitor the facility from anywhere in the world. This can be especially useful for businesses that have multiple locations.

Access Control Systems

Access control systems are an important part of any security plan. These systems can help limit and control access to secure areas of the facility. They can also help reduce the risk of theft and unauthorised access. The following are some tips for implementing an access control system:

Choose the right system: When selecting an access control system, it’s important to choose a system that is suitable for your particular security needs. For example, if you need to protect sensitive areas of your facility, you may need to choose a higher-security system.

Utilise access control policies: Access control policies are an important part of any access control system. These policies should outline the procedures and protocols for granting and denying access to secure areas of the facility.

Utilise authentication methods: Authentication methods are an important part of any access control system. These methods can include key cards, biometric scanners, and other forms of authentication.

Utilise audit trails: Audit trails can help track any access to secure areas of the facility. This can help ensure that only authorised personnel have access to these areas.

Lighting Systems

Lighting systems are an important part of any security plan. These systems can help deter intruders and make it easier for personnel to identify any suspicious activity. The following are some tips for implementing a lighting system:

Choose the right lights: When selecting lights for your lighting system, it’s important to choose lights that are suitable for your particular security needs. For example, if you need to monitor outdoor areas, you may need to choose lights with motion sensors.

Install lights in the right places: It’s important to install lights in the right places to ensure they can provide adequate illumination. Lights should be installed in areas where security is most important, such as entrances and exits.

Utilise timers: Timers can be used to turn lights on and off at predetermined times. This can help reduce energy costs and also help deter intruders.

Utilise motion-activated lighting: Motion-activated lighting can be especially effective in alerting personnel to potential security threats. These lights can be programmed to turn on when motion is detected, allowing personnel to quickly respond to any potential threats.

Regularly maintain your lighting system: You should regularly maintain your lighting system to ensure it is functioning properly. This includes checking the lights, making sure the system is secure, and ensuring the lights are functioning optimally.

Surveillance Systems

Surveillance systems are an integral part of any manufacturing security plan. Surveillance systems can provide a live feed of activities, allowing for quick response times to any security threats. The following are some tips for implementing a surveillance system:

Choose the right cameras: When selecting cameras for your surveillance system, it’s important to choose cameras that are suitable for your particular security needs. For example, if you need to monitor outdoor areas, you may need to choose cameras with night vision capabilities.

Install cameras in the right places: It’s important to install cameras in the right places to ensure they can capture the most activity. Cameras should be installed in areas where security is most important, such as entrances and exits.

Utilise a video management system: A video management system can help you monitor and manage your surveillance system. This system can be used to store recorded video and monitor live feeds.

Invest in a backup system: It’s important to invest in a backup system for your surveillance system, as you don’t want to lose any important video footage in the event of a power outage or other unforeseen event.

Regularly maintain your surveillance system: You should regularly maintain your surveillance system to ensure it is functioning properly. This includes checking the cameras, making sure the video is clear, and ensuring the system is secure.


Manufacturing security is an important part of any successful manufacturing business. The five strategies outlined in this blog post can help businesses secure their buildings and protect against intruders. From surveillance systems to access control systems, there are a variety of measures that businesses can take to ensure the security of their facility.

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