Press Release: Equilibrium Risk Strengthens Partnership

Equilibrium Risk Strengthens Partnership with Huddersfield Rugby Union Football Club
We are delighted to announce that Equilibrium Risk will continue their support of Huddersfield Rugby Union Football Club (HRUFC).
Equilibrium Risk provide the intruder and fire alarm monitoring and maintenance service as well as a keyholding service for the business ensuring the systems meet the needs of not only the rugby club but also their tenants too.
Equilibrium Risk have been working with HRUFC successfully for four years. The initial relationship began when the club were having major issues with their previous security company.
Equilibrium Risk sat down with HRUFC and analysed all of the areas of risk within the business and made recommendations for improvement which they have implemented. We were delighted to be able to give them some expert advice, analysis and solutions to ensure that they have appropriate security systems in place.
Huddersfield General Manager, Stuart Leach said, “It is great to have the support of Equilibrium Risk for another year. It is especially pleasing that they have chosen to increase their partnership in these times of uncertainty. Their support on and off the field is hugely appreciated and has given the club peace of mind over the past four years and we look forward to this continuing.”
Equilibrium Risk Director, Luke Appleby said, “We are extremely pleased to be supporting Huddersfield RUFC again this year. My family and I have thrown ourselves into club life and regularly come down to support the First XV on a matchday and the children play on a Sunday morning. We look forward to enjoying the corporate hospitality available when the season gets up and running.”